

One observation to make is that efficiency is like friction: you never can take it back. This phenomenon is especially visible when abstractions that are built out of their concrete incarnations, are often less efficient when taken back to the same incarnations they started from. So an important thing to remember is, you can (at least theoretically) build a safe, highly abstract, and/or easy to use library, on top of an efficient one - but definitely not vice versa.


Policy-based design (and similar techniques) tries to address this problem by giving some structure to the design space, but letting the user make the move. So instead of a point, the library offers multiple reachable points in the design space, and furthermore the user can define new points within certain limited directions. This way, the library does give reuse benefits, while letting the user call the shots.

この部分はlibrary実装者に向けての言葉だけれど,私のような1 userでもlibraryを使う上でPolicyの存在意義を知っておくのは重要ですわな.それから,libraryの実装者じゃなくても「hardcordingをなるべく遅らせたい」ってことは良くある事で,他との複合的な部分の兼ね合いから実装詳細を決めたい場合なんて多々あるから,そういうときに詳細の意思決定を効率を落とすことなく遅延できるというのはすばらしいと思うがどうか?(あれ?これってMC++Dの受け売りだっけか?w)
P.S. っていうかchained inheritanceが普通に出てきてますねw
P.S.2. template typedefには皆さん期待しているんですねぇ.ようやくこれの真価が分かりました.partial specializationと併用するとえげつないことになりますな.早く標準に入らないかな?(typeofも切実に( ゜д゜)ホスィ…)
P.S.3. Empty Base Optimization(EBO)もPolicy-baseな実装では重要なんですな.初めて気づいた.確かにスマポなんかじゃ至上命題な議論になるわ,そりゃ.